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© 2007-19 Contact Lawrie Cherniack


When mediation is either not appropriate or does not work, parties to a dispute need a neutral third party to adjudicate their rights through arbitration.

The process of arbitration can be as informal or formal as the parties wish.  Often an arbitrator can save the parties time and money by getting to the heart of the problem and making sound adjudications.

Lawrie Cherniack has experience in virtually every area of the law.  

He can arbitrate any conflicts that require arbitration, whether public, private, or multi-party.

Lawrie Cherniack was awarded Chartered Arbitrator by the ADR Institute of Canada in 1996.

He has taught all levels of arbitration for the Arbitration and Mediation Institutes of both Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and created and taught many courses on arbitration across the country.  

Lawrie has been appointed as an adjudicator for Indian Residential School claims.

He has been an arbitrator in such areas as labour, construction, and aboriginal law.

Lawrie is also available to do “Med-Arb”–a combination of Mediation and Arbitration wherein he first acts as a mediator and, if that does not work, he then issues a binding decision.