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© 2007-19 Contact Lawrie Cherniack

Workplace Mediation

When employees have disputes with other employees, workplace morale suffers, and the groundwork is laid for far greater problems in the future–fights, stress leaves, harassment complaints, negligence, even sabotage.

Try an innovative approach!

Prevent future problems by bringing in a neutral third-party mediator with extensive experience in helping people understand one another and get along with one another.

Why use a third-party mediator?  Click here.

Lawrie had over 31 years of experience in labour relations.  He understands the interests of employers, unions, managers, and employees.  

He is particularly well-positioned to do employee-employee mediations, resolving workplace conflicts before they escalate into difficult legal situations, such as grievances.

This is the area where Lawrie can make a significant contribution to employers.

Over ninety per cent of the many difficult workplace problems Lawrie has dealt with in his career could have been prevented if there had been earlier workplace mediation to deal with employee-employee conflicts.

His experience of over 31 years as a union and employee lawyer gives him strong credibility with employees, an enormous advantage in helping them develop creative resolution to their conflicts.

Lawrie has been awarded Chartered Mediator status by the ADR Institute of Canada.  He received extensive training and a Certificate in Conflict Resolution Specializing in Mediation from the great training centre of Mediation Services, where he has served as Chair of the Board.