Training takes many forms. It is different from teaching in that the focus is both on individual skills and particular outcomes, and not on specific knowledge.
Lawrie can provide your organization with the following kinds of training:
Coaching: Assistance to individuals or groups of individuals to provide appropriate techniques for dealing with difficult issues. Lawrie can train supervisors to handle workplace conflict creatively.
Change Facilitation: Assistance to organizations and groups when they go through the difficulties of changing systems and approaches. Bringing in a neutral third party allows individuals the opportunity to deal with changes that challenge established and comfortable patterns.
Specific Skill-Building Exercises: Lawrie has developed and implemented many skill-building exercises which enhance particular skills and abilities, ranging from the more complex issue of being able to function as part of a creative team to the more basic skills of observing and remembering accurately.
The Cost of Conflict |
What is The Workplace Ombudsman? |
Workplace Mediation |
Labour Mediation |
Labour Arbitration |
Harassment Resolution |
Mediation |
Arbitration |
Other Services (ADR) |
Teaching |
Training |
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